Students, Staff to Record Running Times, Match Them Against the Waldrops'

Posted on October 15, 2015
Joy Washington

Dr. Tony Waldrop, president of the Ƶ, set a world record when he ran the indoor mile in just 3:55 while a student at the University of North Carolina. This photo appeared on the March 11, 1974, issue of Track & Field News.  data-lightbox='featured'
Dr. Tony Waldrop, president of the Ƶ, set a world record when he ran the indoor mile in just 3:55 while a student at the University of North Carolina. This photo appeared on the March 11, 1974, cover of Track & Field News.

As a student at the University of North Carolina, President Tony Waldrop set a record as the world’s fastest runner of the indoor mile. His time: 3.55.

His wife, Dr. Julee Waldrop, also is an accomplished athlete and has competed in triathlons.

Now, Ƶ students and employees are being challenged to chase the Waldrops’ best times as Ƶholds “Oksoberfest.”

During Oksoberfest, the University holds numerous events focused on health and alcohol-free education during Alcohol Awareness Month. Dr. Philip Theodore, director of campus recreation, is inviting the University community to try and predict their time in the indoor mile and compare it to the Waldrops’ best performances.

Runners will be judged based on how close they can come to their own predicted times. Participants also can see how their times match up against the Waldrops’.

President Waldrop’s 1974 world record stood as the collegiate record until 2009. Julee Waldrop’s personal best time in the indoor mile is 5:17.

“To run a mile in under six minutes is quite an accomplishment,” Theodore expressed. “I thought it might be fun to have our students and employees see just how close they can come to the Waldrops’ times.  This event will give participants a better understanding of how fast someone has to run in order to complete a mile in less than six minutes.  Running a world record mile time of 3:55 is almost beyond comprehension!”

Those interested in participating in the week-long event should come prepared to run a mile on the indoor track Oct. 19-23. Participants should schedule a time with John Leach, recreation specialist, at either of the following times:

  • 9 a.m.-11 a.m.
  • 3 p.m.-6 p.m.

Runners who most accurately predict their times will win a prize donated by the USA Bookstore. Participants will not be allowed to wear watches.

For more information, call (251) 460-6065.

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