South to Hold Virtual Commencement

Posted on May 1, 2020
Marketing and Communications

The Ƶ will hold a virtual, online commencement ceremony on May 9 to honor 2,181 spring and summer degree candidates.

 “It is my sincere hope that, through virtual watch parties and intimate family gatherings, this commencement will be one to remember for all the right reasons: celebrating accomplishment, honoring community and anticipating better times ahead,” Dr. Tony Waldrop, Ƶpresident, said in an email to the University community announcing the virtual ceremony.

Graduates, families and friends can view the official awarding of degrees at 11 a.m. CDT on Saturday, May 9, by visiting the Ƶhomepage at SouthAlabama.edu and clicking on the large banner image. Following the event, the complete ceremony will remain viewable on YouTube and Facebook.

“This ceremony will be its own unique experience and cannot replace the commencement many of our graduates were expecting,” Waldrop said. “To those students, please know that we are continuing to look for ways that we can honor you this fall on campus.”

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