Dr. Ermanno Affuso

Dr. Ermanno Affuso

Professor, Economics and Finance
Chief Scientific Officer, SABRE (South Alabama Center for Business Analytics, Real Estate and Economic Development

Research Interests

  • Applied Microeconomics
  • Regional and Urban Economics
  • Natural Resources Economics and Environmental Policy


  • Ph.D. Applied Economics, Auburn University.
  • M.S. Civil Environmental Engineering, Polytechnic University of Bari.
  • B.S. Civil Environmental Engineering, Polytechnic University of Bari.


  • Affuso, E. 2019. “Consumer Welfare and Climate Change in Greenland”, Energy Economics, forthcoming.

  • Affuso, E., S. B. Caudill, F. G. Mixon, Jr. and K. Starnes. 2018. “Is Airport Proximity an Amenity or Disamenity? An Empirical Investigation based on House Prices”, Land Economics, vol. 95(3):391-408.

  • Affuso, E. and K. D. Lahtinen . 2018. “Social Media Sentiment and Market Behavior”, Empirical Economics, vol. 57(1):105-127.

  • Affuso, E., J. R. Cummings and H. Le. 2018. “The External Cost of Asbestos in the Housing Market”, Applied Economics Letters, vol. 25(6):397-400.

  • Affuso, E., J. R. Cummings and H. Le. 2017. “Wireless Towers and Home Values: An Alternative Valuation Approach Using a Spatial Econometric Analysis”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, vol. 56(4):653-676.

  • Caudill, S. B., E. Affuso and Y. Ming 2015. “Registered Sex Offenders and House Prices: An Hedonic Analysis.”, Urban Studies, vol. 52(13):2425–2440.

  • Affuso, E. and D. Hite. 2013. “A Model for Sustainable Land Use in Biofuel Production: An Application to the State of Alabama.”, Energy Economics, vol. 37, pp. 29-39.

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  • ECO215 – Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECO315 – Intermediate Microeconomics
  • ECO318 – Principles of Managerial Economics
  • ECO372 – Urban Economics
  • ECO390 – Environmental and Natural Resource Economics