Max Romanowski

Max Romanowski

Assistant Professor
Department of Communication | Digital Film and Television


  • Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Mass Communication and Media Arts, May 2024


  • Baylor University, Waco, Texas
  • Master of Arts, Communication, May 2018


  • Taylor University, Upland, Indiana
  • Bachelor of Arts, Film and Media Production, May 2016


Dr. Max Romanowski is an Assistant Professor in the Digital Film and Television Program.

Previously, Dr. Romanowski worked as a video editor while also teaching film production, film analysis, and communication theory courses at the university level at Southern Illinois University. At South, Dr. Romanowski teaches courses in film production and media theory and serves as the Coordinator of JagTV. His research interests include television studies – specifically the sitcom – genre studies, and holiday studies. 

Dr. Romanowski received his Ph.D. in Mass Communication and Media Arts from Southern Illinois University, his M.A. in Communication from Baylor University, and his B.A. in Film and Media Production from Taylor University.


  • DFT 240: Digital Cinema Production Basics
  • DFT 357: Basic Film Production
  • CA 549: Media Effects


Journal Articles

Romanowski, M. (Ready for Review). “But the Soul Remains One: Jordan Peele’s Subversion of The Other”

Sheldon, Z. and Romanowski, M. (Out for Review). “Movies That Heal: The Sincere Fincher”

Romanowski, M. and Sheldon, Z. (September 2020). “Time to Ranch it Up!: Ethics and Satire in New Media” Critical Studies in Television

Sheldon, Z., Shafer, D., and Romanowski, M. (December 2019). “Parasocial Interactions and Digital Characters: The Changing Landscape of Cinema and Viewer/Character Relationships” The Atlantic Journal of Communication

Romanowski, M. (August 2019). “Nature vs. Nurture in Albuquerque: What Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul Teach Us Ƶ How We Talk Ƶ Criminals” The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy

Sheldon, Z. and Romanowski, M. (November 2018). “Amazing! Two Graduate Students Wrote Ƶ Stupid Internet Stuff and Got Away with It (Page 10 Will Blow Your Mind).” Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies

Book Chapters

Romanowski, M. (2024). “Merry Christmas, Johnny Rose” Class, Identity, and Finding the Right Wine in Schitt's Creek: A Place to Love.
Lexington Books

Sheldon, Z. and Romanowski, M. (In Press). “Control Freak: Dimensions of the Digital Auteur” ReFocus: The Films of David Fincher. Edinburgh University Press

Romanowski, M. (September, 2019). “Those Agonizing Choices” The Good Place and Philosophy. Open Court Publishing